Packet nr 1:

Hello, world! This is an automated message for testing my radio equipement. I'm Liss, callsign EA8WRA, and I'm the capitan, mecanic and cook in the "Gatáki", a small sailboat currently costing along the coast of what used to be Guinea. I'm using scraps from a weather station for encoding the message, so it requires I attach an image (look at this tiny little bird I found on an island!). Sadly, the hard drive was broken, so I had to improvise, and, for now, I only have 2 kiB (2 kibibytes, 2048 bytes) available for this message, and 1kiB has already been taken by the bird...

That's it for now, I'll be listening in the 14.089 MHz frequency.

little bird
reconstruction of the image found in a common encoding for weather satellites and such

This was packet 1/1 from ip 1.1.861.291. I digged a bit deeper into it and I found out the ip is from Nuuk, Greenland. This might be someone joking around with their friends, or it might be a result of interempidence, as I explain here. I also checked the HAM callsign in the qrz website and nothing comes up. From the three first letters, "Echo Alpha 8", I can tell she's from the Canary islands, Spain, but that's it. Also, what's with the "what used to be Guinea"? Weird.

If you discover anything relevant on this packet, or you find a new packet you think it's worth sharing, reach out to my email, and I'll make sure to cover it on this site.